Privacy Policy

Updated as at February 2021


This Privacy Policy describes how Weconex Holdings (SEA) Pte Ltd (“Weconex,” “we,” “us,” “our”) collects, uses, and shares your information when you use and interact with our website, mobile applications and other related applications (collectively, “Website“) or other means connected to our Website.

As this Privacy Policy is subject to changes, we advise you to check back from time to time to update yourself on any changes.

By accessing this Website and any related services offered herein, you undertake to have read and understood this Privacy Policy, accept all the terms herein and agree to our methods of collecting, handling and sharing your information.

We understand that you are providing your personal information to us on our Website out of trust on your part. Hence, we take your trust very seriously and will endeavour to do our best to protect the privacy of any personal information which you have disclosed to us.


  1. Collection of personal information

  2. Usage of personal information

  3. Mobile Devices

  4. Sharing or disclosure of personal information

  5. Country-specific privacy rights

  6. Storage and Cross-border Transfers of personal information

  7. Cookies and other web technologies

  8. Opting out of marketing-related communication

  9. Handling of issues related to the security of your personal information

  10. Rights to personal information

  11. Protection of your personal information

  12. Protection of information relating to minors

  13. External links

  14. Scope of application of this Privacy Policy

  15. Changes to this Privacy Policy

  16. Governing law

  17. How you can contact us

1. Collection of personal information

During the course of your usage of our Website, we may collect personal information from you which may include, but is not limited to: your name, date of birth, mobile number, postal address, electronic address(es), password, billing information (such as credit card details), name of accommodation, location of accommodation, length of stay and other such information which you may provide to us. Kindly update your personal information in our website with accurate and detailed information. Personal information does not include information in which the individual’s identity has been anonymized or removed.

We may also automatically collect certain information in relation to your usage of our Website, through cookies, web beacons or other channels, such as your IP address, country, search preferences (such as the web pages used, terms searched or pages visited), geographic information, web browser, information contained in content which is shared and uploaded by you during the usage of our Website (such as photos and comments) and information about your mobile or computer device.

If you are using a mobile device to access any mobile application or mobile optimized website related to our Website, we may also collect information that identifies your mobile device, which may include, but is not limited to: the location of your device (with your consent), your device information (such as the IDFA / IMEI), and other device-specific settings and characteristics. The purpose for us collecting such information is to try and better understand your personal preferences and interests which will assist us in bringing you a more customized experience and improve your usage of our website. In addition, we may collect information about your location from your device if you have turned on such location features in your device settings, or if you have uploaded photos tagged with location information. You can turn off such location features in your device settings to stop sharing such location information with us. However, kindly note that turning off location sharing may prevent you from accessing certain features of any mobile application or mobile optimized website related to our Website.

In addition, if you reserve and/or book any plane or train tickets using our website, we may also collect the following personal information: name and gender of passenger, date of birth, nationality of passenger and identity document details, delivery address and other information. We may also require you to provide your personal information relating to your travel preferences, which may include, but is not limited to: your dietary restrictions, arrival/departure timings, check-in/check-out timings, choices of seats, choice of insurance and other services which may be provided by us.

While you have the option of deciding not to provide us with your personal information, you will generally need to provide us with certain information about yourself in order to fully utilise the many features of our Website. For example, you may not be able to access certain exclusive features of our website unless you first register with any membership program which we may implement. In addition, we may also be required to collect certain information from you before you can pose an enquiry to us or perform certain transactions on our Website. We may also collect your personal information for security purposes.

As described in this section, we may receive and store any information which you may provide to us by entering it on our Website or which may be provided to us in any other way.

You may decide to book on behalf of another person or other people through our Website, which will require you to provide us with the personal information of that person / those people. Before providing us with such personal information, kindly note that you must ensure that these individuals have consented to you providing us with their personal information. You also need to ensure that these individuals are aware of and have accepted this Privacy Policy. Should you be granted access to the personal information of another user of this Website, (for example, through a shared booking) kindly ensure that you treat such information in the appropriate manner.

From time to time, we may also receive your personal information from our business partners and affiliates, or other independent third-party sources. For example, if you make a reservation or booking using a website of our business partners and affiliates, the reservation or booking information which you have provided to them might be forwarded to us in order of us to process your reservation or booking. To give another example, should you access a social media account using our Website or prior to browsing our Websites, we may collect such personal information which is made available to us through those services, in accordance with the said social media account’s privacy policy.

2. Usage of personal information

We will only use the personal information collected from you for purposes permitted under the law. Common examples of such purposes are as follows:

  1. a)  To perform the contract with you (i.e. in order to provide our services to you, address your queries or concerns, and to provide customer support);

  2. b)  To protect our legitimate interests or those of a third-party (i.e. for detection and prevention of fraud, for safety and security, to protect our own rights and interests or the rights and property of others, whereby your interests and fundamental rights do not override these interests);

  3. c)  To comply with the relevant laws, regulatory obligations and other lawful requests, legal processes and court orders;

  4. d)  With your consent, to send you direct marketing (which you may unsubscribe from) and to use non-essential cookies; and

  5. e)  To protect your vital interests in the event of an emergency which may involve an individual’s life or health.

Such purposes may also include, but are not limited to:

  1. a)  The provision of our services to you (including the creation of user accounts, management of your online reservations and/ or bookings and recommendations to related business partners and affiliates);

  2. b)  The management of your account (which can be used for various operations such as to manage orders, check historical orders, manage payments, publish reviews, ratings and photos etc);

  3. c)  Providing customers service or responding to your enquiries or requests;

  4. d)  Contacting you to notify you about changes to our Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, send you messages related to your bookings and/or reservations, update you about your account or use of our Website, or solicit your feedback on our Website and services;

  5. e)  Conducting market research to measure your interest in our Websites, products and services;

  6. f)  Notifying you about special offers and promotions, competitions, sweepstakes or other promotional activities.

  7. g)  Analysing your personal information for analysis to get to know your preference, your location and demographic information, or to match information we have obtained from other sources (which may include third parties), so as to improve our service by develop better products, services and marketing plans.

  8. h)  Monitoring your phone conversations with our customer service staff so as to ensure the quality of our customer service, conduct internal staff training and verify the accuracy of the information provided by you to prevent fraud. Such related recording will be deleted automatically after a period of time, unless they have to be retained for compliance purposes to protect certain legal interests.

  9. i)  Handling or settling legal disputes, or to abide by any laws, regulations or provisions of documents issued by regulatory authorities that are binding on us, so as to cooperate with any investigations by such regulatory authorities or national agencies, and comply with such laws and regulations.

  10. j)  Preventing fraud and illicit activities by investigating and deterring such unauthorised activities;

  11. k)  Dealing with insurance claims and payments that occur under relevant policies, processing commissions paid to partners or claiming for loss caused by service partners or recovering payments made etc;

  12. l)  Attending to our business operations, which include but are not limited to customer verification, administrative affairs, network maintenance, and troubleshooting problems; and

  13. m)  Other purposes about which we will inform you by updating this Privacy Policy.

While using the services of our Website, you also authorize us to send you marketing information to your email, mobile phone and mailing address, containing promotional information about your travel-related interests. We believe that such marketing information will be useful in providing you with information about the promotions and special offers which are available on our Website. Should you choose not to accept the marketing information provided by us to you, you can inform us that you no longer wish to receive them by changing the settings and unsubscribing from our mailing lists as guided by our Website, or by changing the relevant settings of your mobile device. Kindly note that even if you unsubscribe from our marketing or promotional materials, we will continue to send you notifications and administrative messages relating to your account or bookings.

You are fully aware that we can use your personal information without your consent and/or authorization in the following circumstances:

  1. a)  In relation to criminal investigations, prosecutions execution of judgment;

  2. b)  In relation to public health, public safety, and other significant public interests;

  3. c)  In relation to national defence or security;

  4. d)  The personal information collected is made public by you yourself;

  5. e)  When we need to use your personal information to protect the personal safety, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of individual users or others but it’s difficult to obtain the user’s consent;

  6. f)  When the use of your personal information is necessary for signing contracts based on your requests;

  7. g)  The personal information about you is collected from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as from news reports and other channels;

  8. h)  When the use of your personal information is required to maintain the safe and stable operations of the products and/or services supplied, such as the detection and removal of defects in the said products and/or services;

  9. i)  When the use of your personal information is necessary for legitimate news reporting;

  10. j)  When the use of your personal information is required for academic institutions to conduct research for public interest, and the said academic institutions have redacted your personal information when publishing the results of their research;

  11. k)  Other circumstances as prescribed by the governing laws and regulations.

3. Mobile Devices

Should you access our Website using a mobile device, we may send you push notifications with information about your bookings, reservations, orders or other information related to any membership programs that we may administer, subject to your consent. If you upload any pictures from your mobile device, your picture may be tagged with your location information. You can grant us access to your location information or contact information in order to provide services requested by you. Kindly ensure that you have read and understood the instructions in your mobile device regarding the sharing of such information, the enabling or disabling of push notifications and how to change the settings of the same. As the operating systems on different devices may have different default settings, you are advised to acquaint yourself with such settings which relate to push notifications.

4. Sharing or disclosure of personal information

We may share your personal information (including your account information, order information, device information and location information) with other parties (such as third parties, partners and other group companies) to facilitate the provision of our services to you. We will only share your personal information for necessary, legitimate, specific and legal purposes, and will only share the personal information which we require to provide our services to you. In addition, we may share your personal information to protect our Website, our customers, our company and our rights and property if we are obligated by law to do so.

If you choose to create a profile on our Website, certain information which you have made available on your profile may be accessible and identifiable by other users who click on your screen name. You will able to view your profile as members of the public will see it. Additionally, should you decide to participate in any of our user-to-user communications platforms, our other users may contact you by using our Website as an intermediary. However, we will not disclose your email address to other users nor display it publicly. You will also have the option of turning off our user-to-user communication platforms at any time.

In connection with your visit to our Website and your use of our services, we may share your information with the following entities (including Chinese and overseas entities):

  1. a)  Travel suppliers, including but not limited to: hotels, accommodation properties and/or third-party accommodation suppliers, airlines, car rental agencies, insurance agencies, and activity providers and other agents who fulfil your booking needs. Throughout our Website and our affiliated sites, all products and services provided by third-party suppliers are described as such. Information shared with suppliers to facilitate bookings will be handled in accordance with the said suppliers’ privacy policies, except for payment information. We will only share your payment information if it is necessary to facilitate travel bookings made through or on our website. We will also impose restrictions on these suppliers’ use of your payment information. Where necessary, we may direct your enquiry to a third-party website or transmit your information securely to the travel booking supplier in order to complete the transaction. Kindly note that unless otherwise specified, your payment will be processed by the supplier and not our Website. Before making any booking through our Website, you agree to peruse, understand and accept the policies and procedures of the suppliers. We would strongly advise you to peruse the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and any other policies of the travel supplier(s) whose product(s) and/or service(s) you may purchase through our Website. Kindly note that, where required, these suppliers may contact you to obtain additional information about you or your travel plans, in order to process your travel bookings or for other purposes which are in line with their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

  2. b)  Third-party service providers who provide data processing services or other functions to us, including web hosting, credit card and payment processing, customer service, business analytics, marketing, distribution of surveys programs, public relations, and fraud prevention. These third-party service providers may also be authorised to collect information on our behalf, such as information which is necessary to facilitate the delivery of online services and advertising which is tailored to your interests. These third-party service providers will only collect and process such information as is required for them to perform their functions. They are not permitted to share or use the information they collect or process for any other purpose.

  3. c)  Business partners with whom we may jointly offer products or services. You will be able to tell when a third-party business partner is involved in a product or service you have requested as their name will appear, either together with ours or alone. Should you choose to utilise these optional services, we may on occasion share your personal information, with those partners. However, we are unable to control the privacy practices of these third-party business partners.

  4. d)  Other third parties, who may use the information to provide customized advertising to you.

  5. e)  Affiliated companies. We may share your personal information with the employees of our affiliated companies (i.e. companies within the Weconex group of companies, and domestic and international affiliate companies) who may require such information to perform services requested by you (such as customer services), to provide you with information about products and services which may interest you based on your marketing preferences, as well as to carry out internal processes (such as audit and compliance investigations). These affiliate companies will follow the necessary practices and take the necessary measures to protect for your personal information that are no less stringent than the practices and measures described in this Privacy Policy.

  6. f)  Affiliated websites. If you were referred to our Website from another website, we may share information, such as your name, mobile number, email address(es), mailing address, and travel-related preferences with the website that referred you to us. We would strongly advise you to peruse the Privacy Policy of any website that referred you to us.

  7. g)  Other entities as required or permitted by law, in order to comply and respond to subpoenas, court orders, warrants by law enforcement agencies to investigate fraud or other wrongdoing, court orders and other judicial processes. We may disclose your personal information to establish or exercise our legal rights, to investigate or take action against any unlawful or suspected unlawful activities, to protect ourselves against liability, to protect our legitimate interests or that of our purchasers in connection with any sale, assignment, or other such transfer of part or all of our business or company; to defend against legal claims or as otherwise required by law. In such cases we reserve the right to raise or waive any legal objections or legal rights available to us. We may also disclose your personal information in connection with our Terms of Use and other agreements, or in compliance with the applicable law, to enforce the terms and conditions applicable to our products and/or services or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Weconex, our customers and users, or others.

  8. h) Other entities as party of a corporate transaction or reorganisation of our business, such as part of any sale, merger, consolidation, assignment, divesture, or other transfer of our business, or transition of our services to another service provider. We will ask for your consent before doing so if required by the applicable law.

Other than as set out above, we will not disclose your personal information to third-parties unless we get your prior consent. We will provide appropriate protections for such sharing as required by applicable law to prevent third parties from using your personal information for their own purposes, and to address the security and confidentiality of your information.

We may also share anonymous or aggregate information with third-parties such as advertisers. This information will not contain any of your personal information and will be used to develop services and content which we hope will suit your preferences.

5. Country-specific privacy rights

Brazil Privacy Notice

In order to comply with the laws of Brazil, we must collect, process and store the CPF numbers of Brazilian nationals and residents if you pay in Brazilian real on our Website. We may share the value of your transactions and your CPF number with an external payment processor, to be disclosed to the Brazilian Central Bank. Otherwise, we will retain your CPF number for the duration mentioned in this Privacy Policy and collect and process your information in accordance with the rules of the Personal Data Protection Law (Brazilian Federal Law No. 13,709/2018). By proceeding to use the services offered on our Website and accepting our Privacy Policy, you accept and consent to the treatment of your personal information for the above purposes.

California Privacy Rights

If you are a resident of California, you have the right to request for information from us about how we share certain categories of your personal information with third-parties for the aforesaid third-parties’ direct marketing purposes. You may contact us via email to exercise this right and to receive such information.

China Privacy Notice

If you are a resident of China, kindly note the following regarding the cross-border sharing or transfer of your personal information.

Disclosure / Transfer of Information

We will maintain confidentiality of your personal information, but may provide or transfer your information to third parties as detailed above under “Sharing or disclosure of personal information,” which may include the disclosure your personal information to parties whom we are required to make disclosures to under the applicable law within or outside China.

Transfer of Information Overseas

In general, we will maintain your information on servers in Singapore, Hong Kong or other data centres outside of the People’s Republic of China. However, we may disclose your information to the third-parties mentioned above, who may be located outside of the People’s Republic of China.

South Korea Privacy Rights

If you are a resident of South Korea, you have the right to request for information from us about how we share certain categories of your personal information with third-parties.

However, please note that as set out in our Terms of Use, our company, Weconex Holdings (SEA) Pte Ltd, provides the services to you in Singapore. There is currently no company or entity in South Korea which provides our travel-related services to residents of South Korea.

We will retain your information for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and our company’s internal policies. When we no longer require use of your personal information, we will remove your information from our records and systems and/or take steps to redact it so that you are no longer identifiable from it. However, this is subject to requirements for us to retain your information for the execution of corporate tasks, to achieve our business objectives or to comply with the necessary legal or regulatory obligations.

6. Storage and Cross-border Transfers of personal information

We will only keep your personal information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we have collected it, as outlined in this Privacy Policy. Such purposes may also include the purposes of satisfying any accounting, legal, or statutory reporting requirements.

In order for us to determine the appropriate period for the retention of your personal information, we consider factors such as the type, volume and sensitivity of the personal information, the risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we process your personal information and the feasibility of us achieving these purposes through alternative methods and the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

We may keep some categories of your personal information after you have closed your account with us, for example, if such information is required to fulfil our obligations under the law, to prevent abuse or fraud and for other security-related purposes and to protect or exercise our rights. Should you choose to close your account with us, your personal information will generally cease to be viewable to other users of our Website within thirty days thereafter.

If we stop the operation of our Website (including its related products and/or services), we will promptly cease to collect your personal information. We will notify you of such termination of our operations via the sending of a notice or by posting of an announcement on our Website. Thereafter, we will delete or anonymize the personal information in our possession or storage.

7. Cookies and other web technologies

Cookies are small text files, which are given ID tags and are stored on your computer’s browser directory or program data subfolders. Cookies are created when you use your browser to visit a website that uses cookies to keep track of your movements within the site. They help you resume where you left off browsing, remember your login information and perform other customization functions. Some of these cookies are necessary to maintain and secure the Website to you while other cookies may be used to improvise your experience when browsing our Website.

We may allow certain third-parties to place cookies on our Website to collect information about your usage of our Website over time and across other websites which you may visit. This information may be used to provide advertising which is customized to your preferences from us and by third-parties from other websites which you may visit (i.e. interest-based advertising) as well as to assess the efficacy of such interest-based advertising. We may also share one-way hashed information with third- party partners (such as Facebook) who may combine hashed information with other identifiers in order to serve custom advertisements from us on other websites or mobile applications based on your prior visits to our Website. We do not endorse the causes, objectives or agenda of any websites or mobile applications that display our advertisements.

We may also combine information which is collected from cookies and other usage information collected from a particular internet browser or mobile device with another computer or device that may be connected to you (also known as a cross-device tracking) in order to optimize our services and provide customized communications and advertisements to you. If you do not want us to combine such information to be used in our communications and advertisements to you, kindly unsubscribe from our communications with you (which may include a newsletter or similar means of communication).

You may accept or reject cookies on your internet browser and have the option of changing the settings of your internet browser to reject cookies if cookies are accepted by your browser by default. However, kindly note that should you choose to reject cookies, your usage of the services provided by our Website may be limited.

You may find out more about information about cookies in general, including how to see what cookies are installed on your device or mobile device and how to manage and delete such cookies at websites such as

By exercising such choices regarding interest-based advertising, you may still receive advertisements, but the network which you opted out from will no longer provide advertisements which are customized to your preferences. Kindly also note that you will not be able to opt out of customized advertisements just by logging out from your user account.

You may need to adjust the necessary settings on each internet browser or device you may use regarding certain cookies. At present, this Website may not be configured to honour the “Do Not Track” signals of internet browsers.

8. Opting out of marketing-related communication

You may opt out of receiving marketing-related communications from us at any point in time via the “Unsubscribe” link in our marketing-related communications with you (which may include a newsletter or similar means of communication), or through your user account if you have created one.

9. Handling of issues related to the security of your personal information

In the unlikely event of a security incident concerning your personal information, we will inform you, of the following, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations:

  1. a)  Basic information relating to the security incident and its possible consequences;

  2. b)  Measures taken by us or intended to be taken by us in relation to the security incident; and

  3. c)  Possible steps you can take to mitigate your risks and solutions which we may provide for etc.

We will also update you on the progress of the incident via means of communication such as telephone calls, letters, emails or push notifications (where applicable). In circumstances whereby it is not practical or possible to provide updates to our users on an individual basis, we will make the necessary announcements in an effective and reasonable way. Concurrently, we will take the necessary steps to report the resolution of these personal information security incidents to the relevant authorities, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.

10. Rights to personal information

You can easily verify, correct, update and supplement the information you have provided to us by accessing the “Settings” section of your account.

You may also close your account by contacting us using the methods explained in this Privacy Policy. Should you decide to close your account, the account will be deactivated and your personal information will be removed. Kindly note that once your account has been closed, you will no longer be able to log into the account to access your personal information. However, you may open a new account at any time.

We may offer our users the option of storing information related to their preferred method and choice of payment on our Website. If you save such payment details in your user account, you subsequently will be able to add, delete or change that information at any time during which your account remains open. You may also change your marketing preferences at any time during which your account remains open.

In accordance with applicable law, you may have the following rights concerning your personal information:

  1. a)  Right of Access: At any time, you have the right to obtain information about your personal information that we store, in accordance with applicable law. This right enables you to obtain a copy of the personal information in our possession and to check that we are lawfully processing it. You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal information. However, in exceptional cases where your request is repetitive, unwarranted or otherwise unreasonable, we reserve the right to ask you to pay a reasonable fee.

  2. b)  Right to Rectify Information: This right enables you to request to rectify an inaccuracies or incomplete portions of your personal information. You may also supplement any incomplete personal information that we have, taking into account the purposes of the processing.

  3. c)  Right to Delete Account or Personal Information: You may request for us to delete your user account. You may also request that we delete of your personal information if such personal information is no longer required for the purposes for which it has been collected and processed, you withdraw your consent for us to process your personal information (which has been processed based on your consent) and there remains no other legal grounds for us to retain, or process your personal information, you object to us processing your personal information and we do not have valid grounds to continue processing your personal information, your personal information is processed unlawfully, or your personal information has to be deleted in order for you, or such other relevant party to comply with an obligation under the law.

  4. d) Right to Object to the Processing of Your Personal Information for Marketing Purposes: At any time, you may object to the processing of your personal information for direct marketing. We will comply with your requests for the same unless there is a valid and overriding interest for us to continue processing your information, or we need to continue processing your personal information to commence or continue a legal claim.

  5. e) Right to Restrict Processing of Personal Information: You have the right to restrict our processing of your personal information if you dispute the accuracy of such personal information for the period in which we have to verify the accuracy of the personal information, the processing of such information is unlawful and you are not agreeable to the deletion of your personal information and request for restriction instead, your personal information is no longer required to be processed by us, but is required by your for legal claims, or you have objected to our processing of your personal information, for the period in which we have to verify our overriding valid grounds.

  6. f) Right to Data Portability: If applicable, you may request that we send to you your personal information which we store, in a format which is commonly used and machine-readable, which shall be determined at our sole discretion. You may also request that we to send this personal information to a third-party, where practical and reasonable. You will only have this right if the processing of such personal information which you have provided us is based on consent or necessary for the performance of a contract between you and us, and such processing is done by automated means.

We will endeavour to respond to your requests in relation to the abovementioned rights within 1 month, but reserve the right to extend this period by 2 months.

In order to process such requests in relation to the abovementioned rights, we may require you to provide us with specific information to help us verify your identity and to ensure that you have the right to access your personal information (or to exercise any of your other rights). We have to implement this security measure to ensure that your personal information is not disclosed to a third-party who does not have the right to receive it. In order to facilitate such a process, we may also contact you directly to request for further information concerning your request.

11. Protection of your personal information

We will endeavour to do our best to protect the personal information which is collected from you. While perfect security cannot be guaranteed by any website or mobile application, we have put appropriate measures in place (including but not limited to administrative, technical, physical, and organisational measures) to ensure that the personal information you provide us is protected against unauthorised or illegal use, access or disclosure and against damage, accidental loss, unwanted changes or destruction.

We will only allow authorised employees of our company to have access to your personal information, and they may do so only for approved corporate functions. In addition, we will encrypt the personal information transmitted between your system and ours, and between our system and other third-parties with whom we may need to disclose or share such sensitive information. We will make use of intrusion detection software and firewalls and prevent unauthorised persons from obtaining access to your personal information.

12. Protection of information relating to minors

This Website targets the general audience and does not offer services which are specifically directed to minors. However, we understand that the protection of personal information of minors is a matter of great important. If you are a minor under 18 years of age, you should obtain written consent from your parent or legal guardian before using any services provided on our Website. We do not knowingly collect personal information which relates to minors. If a person whom we know is under 13 years of age transmits any personal information to us, we will destroy or delete such information as soon as reasonably practicable.

13. External links

We may provide links to other third-party websites, plug-ins or applications which are not owned or operated by us (hereinafter “Third-Party Websites”). If you access such Third-Party Websites from links provided by our Website, the operators of such websites may collect, process or disclose personal information provided by you in accordance with their privacy and security practices, which may differ from our Privacy Policy. As we do not have control over these Third-Party Websites, we would advise you to peruse the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and other security practices of such websites to understand their procedures for collecting, processing and disclosing personal information, before you provide any information on these websites.

14. Scope of application of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy shall apply to all our services except for certain specified services. Those specified services will be governed by specific privacy policies which will constitute part of our Privacy Policy. The specific privacy policies shall prevail in circumstances whereby the specific privacy policies are not consistent with our Privacy Policy.

Kindly note that our Privacy Policy does not apply to the following:

  1. a)  Information collected by external companies and agencies which provide advertisement using our services; and

  2. b)  Information collected from third-party services (which includes third-party websites) that are accessed via the use of our services.

15. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may edit or alter our Privacy Policy from time to time and will indicate the date on which such edits/alterations were last made to this Privacy Policy on the first page of our Privacy Policy. Any revisions made will come into effect upon posting. We will take the necessary measures to inform our members about any material changes to our Privacy Policy, either by sending a notice to the email addresses provided or by placing a notice on our Website. We would advise you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to keep updated on the most current version.

16. Governing law

The Privacy Policy shall be consistent with the law of Singapore, which includes its rules of conflicts. Both you and Weconex agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of law in Singapore. If any term of this Privacy Policy conflicts with the applicable laws, such term shall be reinterpreted in a manner which is consistent with the applicable law as much as possible, while the remaining terms shall continue to have legal effect on you. Both parties agree that any disputes arising from the interpretation of this Privacy Policy and your reservation, booking or ordering of any product or service on our Website shall be first submitted for mediation at the Singapore Mediation Centre, failing which the appropriate legal remedies can be pursued at the State Courts of the Republic of Singapore or the High Court of the Republic of Singapore.

17. How you can contact us

Should you wish to close your user account, exercise your rights to personal information or any other right as explained in this Privacy policy, kindly send your request to us at the following address:

Weconex Holdings (SEA) Pte Ltd
29 Media Circle #04-21
Singapore 138565

Attn: Legal Department / Personal Data Protection Department

Kindly also notice that calls to and from Weconex may be recorded for service quality and staff training purposes, for compliance purposes, to verify the accuracy of information by you to us, or to prevent of fraud or other unlawful activities. Such call recordings will be retained for as long as reasonably necessary for us to perform the above functions, after which they will be deleted. Any personal information which we have obtained from you through such calls will also be treated in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.